Opinion? What's that?
While the OTF here is the catch-all place for anything you want to discuss that's not games-related, we request that users refrain from starting overtly political and religious threads here, or others that are very likely to veer to such topics. Such threads more often than not degenerate into flamewars and do nothing to engender friendship and camaraderie among fellow players; in fact they often do the opposite and drive players away.

That is not to say that Stardock has anything against such discussions; this is just not the place for them. Users are welcomed to discuss matters of any kind over on the JoeUser.com Forums (which, being Stardock owned, will use the same login as here so you can just pop right on over and start posting if you like). You can even start your own blog there, be it political or based on another topic.

Thanks for cooperating and helping to keep things friendly here.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Sep 06, 2009

The threads about political pundit Glenn Beck and the War on Terror have been relocated to JU Politics in keeping with this policy. Posters take note and mind to put future such threads in the appropriate location.

on Sep 06, 2009

Thx for that

on Sep 06, 2009

pm'd kryo with essentially the same message, v.

kryo...please move the health insurance stuff there too?

on Sep 06, 2009

....(could move the entire Off Topic Forum to JU, in my opinion.) 

on Sep 06, 2009

the health care thing should have been posted under current news instead of off topic

on Sep 06, 2009

....(could move the entire Off Topic Forum to JU, in my opinion.)
Actually the entire Off-topic forum is already on JU. The problem is that it's also on the demigod, elemental, galciv2, impulsedriven, sinsofasolarempire, stardock and wincustomize sites as well. The only sites that the Off-topic forum is not on are the vistathemes, xpthemes, TGN and politicalmachine sites.

If I had my druthers I would prefer to post on all sites *except* for JU and WinCustomize as those sites seem to have a much different type of clientele that in general I would prefer to not associate with. But I don't have my druthers so the only way to reach those that I do feel I have something in common with is to use the Off-topic forum and hope that most JU denizens will realize that since the post is not in their Politics forum that it was most likely not addressed to them and therefore will be less likely to respond.

kryo...please move the health insurance stuff there too?
If Kryo wishes this thread moved then I will happily delete it as I have no interest in continuing a discussion with only folks that I don't particularly wish to associate.

on Sep 06, 2009

....(could move the entire Off Topic Forum to JU, in my opinion.)
Actually the entire Off-topic forum is already on JU. The problem is that it's also on the demigod, elemental, galciv2, impulsedriven, sinsofasolarempire, stardock and wincustomize sites as well.


Off-Topic has been flooding our WC forum in the last few weeks....politcals...games...'please talk about the first thing that comes into your head' prattle.....and the extremely classy.."Do I just have a dirty mind, or"...which is just plain "Off".

Would be wonderful if WC could be bypassed....we're quite capable of creating our own prattle...

The computing posts are fine....but the swamping of our own threads with this stuff is a real turn off for visiting the forums...


on Sep 06, 2009

Mumble's health care thread looks reasonably civil as yet, so I see no need to bother it. Can't say the same for those other threads, whose author seems to thrive on contention.

on Sep 06, 2009

Come to think of it.. why is this thread on WC?

Lets get back to skinning

on Sep 06, 2009


Off-Topic has been flooded our WC forum in the last few weeks....politcals...games...'please talk about the first thing that comes into your head' prattle.....and the extremely classy.."Do I just have a dirty mind, or"...which is just plain "Off".

Would be wonderful if WC could be bypassed....we're quite capable of creating our own prattle...

The computing posts are fine....but the swamping of our own threads with this stuff is a real turn off for visiting the forums...


I couldn't agree with you more.  My replies #7 and 9 in this thread  https://forums.wincustomize.com/362212 is how I felt and still feel.

on Sep 06, 2009

Come to think of it.. why is this thread on WC?

Blame Brad for that one, it was already here (note it's about three years old) before he put the OTF there.

on Sep 06, 2009

Mumble's health care thread looks reasonably civil as yet, so I see no need to bother it. Can't say the same for those other threads, whose author seems to thrive on contention.

My post had to do with relevance to WC, not civilty. I wasn't aware the number of and/or frequency of foul language was related to Thread site. I thought subject was the criterion.

on Sep 06, 2009

As noted in the OP, the reasoning for the thread moves, and the rule in general, is that such threads very rarely remain civil (if they even begin such), and it's the lack of civility in threads not at all related to our products causing community fragmentation on the various sites that is the underlying concern. So on the off chance that a thread does stay civil, there's room for a bit of flex in the rule.

on Sep 06, 2009

Off-Topic has been flooded our WC forum in the last few weeks
That's the way it goes everywhere. It was the same on GalCiv2. When the game was in full swing, a few Off-topic threads would go by every once and awhile but the predominate talk was exclusively GalCiv2. However that was when the top 50 posts would turn over in the course of an hour or so that was only natural.

Eventually as the normal site specific traffic slowed down then as a percentage the Off-topic along with Impulse and Personal Computing traffic became the predominate traffic. In some sense it's damned if you do or damned if you don't because what's essentially happening is that the site is dying and if it were left to it's own devices it would probably die out completely.

I can only say the same thing that was said to me when I made these very same complaints and that is you can clearly see that these posts originate in the Off-topic forum and if they really don't interest you then you really don't *have* to open the thread and read stuff that you know is only going to annoy you.

I know this is easier said than done because of the "train wreck" syndrome but that's the best I got. Ideally folks should have some control over who they wish to target as their audience but such is not the case and those that make the decisions have made it clear that the forum sharing will continue "as is".

on Sep 06, 2009

Looking at the recent posts page of WinCustomize, although there are some related topics, there are actually only four posts about skinning.

At a time when we are trying to build a decent community once more the forum is being strangled by dross. If this was a plan to undermine WinCustomize then you can pat yourself on the back because it has worked.

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