Opinion? What's that?
While the OTF here is the catch-all place for anything you want to discuss that's not games-related, we request that users refrain from starting overtly political and religious threads here, or others that are very likely to veer to such topics. Such threads more often than not degenerate into flamewars and do nothing to engender friendship and camaraderie among fellow players; in fact they often do the opposite and drive players away.

That is not to say that Stardock has anything against such discussions; this is just not the place for them. Users are welcomed to discuss matters of any kind over on the JoeUser.com Forums (which, being Stardock owned, will use the same login as here so you can just pop right on over and start posting if you like). You can even start your own blog there, be it political or based on another topic.

Thanks for cooperating and helping to keep things friendly here.

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on Apr 24, 2010

I think Star dock is republican.



on Apr 24, 2010

We're told OT is not a political forum, but in reality it's SOME politics that are not allowed, and we don't know what those views are.

The policy is clearly stated in this sticky and discussed on prior pages of replies. The bottom line is that flaming or disparaging of groups or other users is not acceptable. If you made a thread and it was locked, then in most cases either the replies took it too far into that territory, or you posted an inflammatory thread to begin with.

I think Star dock is republican.

Not only can companies not be members of political parties, but Stardock is composed of people with a wide variety of political views (including liberals, libertarians, vegetarians, you name it).


Making claims about political conspiracies and agendas only reflects poorly on the claimant, as it's pretty clear to anyone who's taken the time to look at what threads *don't* get locked (or at least read and considered the rules) that it's about civility.

Some users have demonstrated that they can keep their discussions under control, and those ones have earned a little more slack. On the other hand, those who are too blinded by an "I'm right about everything and any opposed are evil or idiots" mentality to start or participate in a civil discussion should expect to be disappointed if they try that tack on network-wide forums.

on Apr 24, 2010

Soes... am I teh only 1 dat noticed dat "Endangered" is mispelled uptop?

And ty for teh info, I'll try to route dis 2 every1 I kno who gets into dis stuf.

Xer0 \^/

on Apr 24, 2010

Not only can companies not be members of political parties, but Stardock is composed of people with a wide variety of political views (including liberals, libertarians, vegetarians, you name it).

The definitely can. It's more that to be overt in their support of a party would approximately halve their customer base.  Also, vegetarians.


Making claims about political conspiracies and agendas only reflects poorly on the claimant, as it's pretty clear to anyone who's taken the time to look at what threads *don't* get locked (or at least read and considered the rules) that it's about civility.

That's quite a broad statement. Surely there are some real conspiracies, like Watergate, for instance. The term "conspiracy theory" has basically been given a social stigma because some of the eccentricity and implausibility of  more popularized theories.

on Apr 24, 2010

That's quite a broad statement.

Referring to moderation specifically. Context matters.


Soes... am I teh only 1 dat noticed dat "Endangered" is mispelled uptop?

You would, considering it is exactly how it is intended to be.

on Apr 25, 2010

>I think Star dock is republican.

Not only can companies not be members of political parties, but Stardock is composed of people with a wide variety of political views (including liberals, libertarians, vegetarians, you name it).

Bullshit. Companies can even vote - they do it with money, manipulation and in this case censorship. And yeah, you may have vegetarians but your facists control the media.

© 1995-2010 Stardock Teabagger Corporation. All rights reserved.

on Apr 25, 2010

If you hate us so much, why are you still here? You were already given a second chance (third, actually, if you include the Homer incident), but we're under no obligation to suffer repeated insults from the willfully ignorant. Take your trolling elsewhere and don't come back.

on Apr 25, 2010

Speakingthrough Corruption, yes, the can vote.  They cannot actually be a part of a political party though.  Just the people at the top, bribing those votes can.  There's a big difference between the two.

I'm just gonna go out on a limb here and say that those of yo arguing this policy have either had one of your threads, or one you were posting on locked.(If not more than one). 

These forums are here to be a friendly place for gamers to get together and share tips/strategys, or whatever else.  For the most part, I believe the off-topic section was put in to cover all the stuff that didn't have a category.  Yeah, i's being abused as it is, bout most of what goes there isn't malicious in nature(At least when it starts...)

What it comes down to as far as I've seen, if you play nicely, there isn't a topic that gets locked.  I highly doubt  a moderator or whoever would lock a thread just because they don't like it.  Kinda suspicious, and most likely if this did happen, chances are it could be undone with the proper methods.  (Flaming not one of those methods, hint.)  Don't blame the whole mod staff because you think a few are forcing their own agenda on us. 

Besides that, every thread that gets lock here can go up on the JU forums with almost no interference whatsoever.  (Unless, I think, If it goes into the harrassment stage of things, but those kinds of topics don't belong anywhere.)  If they were forcing their beliefs/agendas/whatever, JU wouldn't even exist, they'd just not tolerate the existence of those topics on their servers period.

-Twilight Storm

on Apr 25, 2010

Well said.

on Apr 25, 2010


Soes... am I teh only 1 dat noticed dat "Endangered" is mispelled uptop?

You would, considering it is exactly how it is intended to be.


I officially hate mah english teachers...

Anyway, I think that people shouldn't even have to start Political, Religious and blah blah lah threads online, ANYWHERE, in the first place. Most people only do this because they either A: Don't wanna fight w/ ppl they actually know, B: only want reassurance in their own opinion, or C: just wanna take it out on some random stranger. 

Xer0 \^/

on Apr 26, 2010

Not only can companies not be members of political parties, but Stardock is composed of people with a wide variety of political views (including liberals, libertarians, vegetarians, you name it).

Yea, I doubt Larry is Republican, and I know Brad got kicked out last year when he refused to blindly vote republican regardless of the choice presented!

on May 03, 2010

It is possible to have a calm rational debate about controversial subjects, but only if you don't assume your debate opponent is less of a person for not having your same views. However, people tend to assume things like, "only a fool would disagree with me about [insert random topic where you have made up your mind]" and then treat their opponent in the manner they think is fitting.

on May 08, 2010

Precicely.  Very few people exist with that ability, and most of those people will lose that ability in a debate where someone else has the "I'm right and you're wrong" mentality.  I'll admit, I'm susceptible to it too.  People can only take so much.

I like to think I'm able to at least start a civil debate.  How it goes depends on the opponents from then out.

-Twilight Storm

ps Kryo, nice avatar, liked your old one better</Nostalgia>, but that one's pretty cool too.

on Jun 03, 2010

And lets not forget the people who treat all slightly opposing views as personal insults...

on Jun 05, 2010


Though I'm more defensive of OTHER people...I'll faceplant any insult flung in any direction to lessen the blow to the target.

-Twilight Storm

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