Opinion? What's that?
While the OTF here is the catch-all place for anything you want to discuss that's not games-related, we request that users refrain from starting overtly political and religious threads here, or others that are very likely to veer to such topics. Such threads more often than not degenerate into flamewars and do nothing to engender friendship and camaraderie among fellow players; in fact they often do the opposite and drive players away.

That is not to say that Stardock has anything against such discussions; this is just not the place for them. Users are welcomed to discuss matters of any kind over on the JoeUser.com Forums (which, being Stardock owned, will use the same login as here so you can just pop right on over and start posting if you like). You can even start your own blog there, be it political or based on another topic.

Thanks for cooperating and helping to keep things friendly here.

Comments (Page 12)
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on Jul 27, 2014

Couple of points....yes, I know it's a necrothread but it's also pinned to be pertinent.

Salient point.

Often pinned posts are set as static notices and are locked.  This one wasn't and has seen some big gaps in replies....last big one being 2 years..

on Jul 10, 2015

how do Jafo?

on Jul 10, 2015

Yegawds! It's an official IP sighting!

Hope all's well!

on Jul 10, 2015

Crap, that's really the lost IP?

on Jul 10, 2015


how do Jafo?

Jafo do well...

Jafo speakum good lingo too...

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