Opinion? What's that?

Some of you may be aware of the "three strikes" plan recently approved in France, where suspected copyright infringers are liable to be banned from the internet for up to a year if they persist after two warnings, and failed efforts to push similar laws across the entire EU a few months back.

Not content to be rebuffed, proponents of the laws have put them back on the table in Brussels, where they were set to be voted on yesterday. No news seems to be available online yet about how it went (any Europeans visitors have details on that?). 

Is banning pirates from the internet going too far, or is it justified? It seems that no amount of DRM ever deters them for long, so perhaps cutting them off from their sources entirely would be the solution to large-scale piracy. Or maybe it just might drive them underground, and result in innocent users being banned on suspicions only. What do you guys think? Could this possibly work, or will it only make matters worse?

Comments (Page 5)
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on Jul 09, 2008
Agreed. All I told them what a judge eventually will   . I'm just a messenger. I didn't make these laws, and they wanna create a lynch mob for me. Good grief.
on Jul 09, 2008
If there was no piracy, there would be no business for the DRM / copyprotection companies.. Think about that.. It wont be a global law, ever. They'll see to it that it wont. Money rules the world.
Secondly, if everyone that ever downloaded an mp3 will be banned from the internet, they would also cancel their ISP accounts (why pay if you cant surf?), again lots and LOTS of money lost for the ISP companies. The % of ISP traffic that is NOT from downloaded stuff, is minimalistic.

In short, it wont ever happen. Both the ISP's and the copyprotection companies will see to it, it would result in huge financial losses.
It would be like trying to sell fuel when cars have been banned.

And dont try to use my own arguement against me, saying something like "But oh! the music industry is loosing SO MUCH $$ due to piracy!".
Then why is Justin Timberlake one of the richest men in the world? Or Britney Spears? Or 50 Cent? The list of bad music that sells like butter keeps growing larger.
Why do almost every new blockbuster hollywood movie keep breaking records in revenue in the first day, or week? Yet we are being told the opposite.
That arguement has no shred of reality.
on Jul 09, 2008
Sounds like yet another "anti-piracy" method that is more likely to screw innocent users than it is to significantly inconvenience pirates to me.
on Jul 09, 2008
Wait, I get threatened by members, Zubaz emails me saying I'm abusing other members, and says my status will be moved to visitor?

If any of these member do attack me, I will be suing.
on Jul 09, 2008
pirates are like crackheads, you arrest enough and they'll give up the dealers to save their own butts. Am I saying pirates are as bad as crackheads... yes, but the pirates probably have better teeth and hygiene.
on Jul 09, 2008
Wait, I get threatened by members, Zubaz emails me saying I'm abusing other members, and says my status will be moved to visitor?If any of these member do attack me, I will be suing.

Zubaz... how about "banning/setting them as visitor" the ones doing the threatening, isn't that against the forum rules?
on Jul 09, 2008
I personally would like to know if Zubaz sent emails to anyone else, or if the 'punishment' is on the person who called them thieves (me).

Threatening another member is NOT appropiate anywhere.

Just to refute, telling someone your gonna send someone over to their house and hit them with a bat, even a wiffleball bat, even if it's a joke, is by law, a death threat.
on Jul 09, 2008

Uhm DarkKnight I think you need to read what you typed, because if i read correctly you were calling names as well, calling pirates assholes.  Now you may think that the intelectual property thing is black and white, but not all people do.  Not to mention just because something is law doesn't make it right, do we need an education on laws that are repealed because they are found to be wrong/excessive?  What I find irrational about you is you refuse to see or listen to anything that doesn't agree with your narrow view!

on Jul 09, 2008
The narrow view is called THE LAW.

Complain to your politicians or a judge if you don't agree with it.

BTW, laws don't get changed by you breaking the law. They get changed from the law as well, going thru the court system.

By breaking the law that you disagree with, you're not fighting anything, just being a angsty kid using anarchy as a medium.

If you want to change a law, do it legally. If you want this law to be changed, fight it in the courts. What your doing is against the law and will get you put in prison.

After this, I dunno what else can be said. The law doesn't reward people who abuse it, the only way to change a law is legal processes.

If your too stubborn to listen, then I guess you'll learn on your own.

Find a way to make fair use out of IP, and I'll download just like you. But I for one don't wanna go to prison and have good friend Buddy as my butt buddy the rest of my life.
on Jul 09, 2008
This is the only way you'll change anything. The current laws put people who abuse the law in prison.

The only way to change this law would be years of arguing fair use for IP to a judge.
on Jul 09, 2008
This whole debate is pointless. This law will not succeed. It is a stupid idea which will cost more money than it will save. It is also not feasible as I have stated on more than one occasion.

The correct approach is offering a quality service the pirates cannot match. This means affordable prices, quality customer support, quality downloadable content.

But I guess its always easier to take the strongarm approach and throw kids in jail for playing bootlegged games. I am sure that would teach them not to be criminals. I am sure an environment such as can be found in most prisons is very conductive to the betterment of one's character. :/
on Jul 09, 2008

Wow DarkKnight your ignorance and close mindedness are mind numbing! 

First I want to say I never said I pirated anything, what I did say is that I think copyright/intellectual property laws have issues and need to be fixed. 

Second I am sure as hell glad our founding fathers and great individuals like Rosa Parks didn't just lay down and be a doormat in the face of terrible laws, because they refused our country and everyone’s lives are better for it. 

Now I am not equating pirating to those two things just letting you know that breaking the law is sometimes the only way to get it fixed period! 

As for putting people in jail for pirating, that is the last thing we want to do.  I suppose you want every pothead placed in jail also?  Here in America we already incarcerate more people than any other nation and that is for other idiotic things like piracy.  How about we look at why there is piracy and work on fixing those issues?  If that takes the IP owners shouldering some responsibility and not litigating their own customers so be it.  I think a lot of IP owners could learn a lot from companies like Stardock.

While it must be interesting for you to live in that black and white world of yours the rest of us live in a world where things aren’t so simple.  I hope one day you will learn to deal with that, for everyone’s sake.


on Jul 09, 2008
Well, their already criminals, but I do agree that no one should go to a jail type environment unless they must.


Then go break the law. Explain to a judge that your changing laws by breaking them. The only way you can change a law by being over the law is by doing like communist russia did to the Russian kings.

Which isn't something easily done here, so your stuck trying to change laws legally.

And we are talking theft, a crime that has been made illegal in pretty much every society. Even the founding fathers made theft illegal. Think about that.

While your talking ignorance, the founding fathers who you mentioned wouldn't agree with you.

And no they wouldn't. Ask any freemason.
on Jul 09, 2008
Your a twelve year old fat kind for starters. 2nd Stardock does not have the same views that you have. 3rd You ramble about laws and justice not enough to punish the so called bad guys. 4th Corporation are controlling the goverment not the goverment. 5th They blame pirates for every cent they lost because of their shitty product. 6th some don't make demos because they want to earn as much as possible. 7th You are using a pirated version of Windows . 8th how many years did piracy exist??? Learn your math Mr. Programmer. 9th You are a Sadist and a Masochist. 10th Pirates will think of other ways to spread files other than BT which already exist.
on Jul 09, 2008
A few points, Xbox 360, PS3.. games that can not normally be pirated are too expensive by a long way, probably twice as expensive as they should be

They do get pirated, custom firmware anyone? And the reason they are expensive is probably because of the disc the media is on.
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