Opinion? What's that?
Published on July 30, 2008 By kryo In Console Games

Those who followed the various announcements at E3 earlier this month probably recall the news of the Wii MotionPlus, which Nintendo said would finally bring true one-to-one motion sensing to the console, rather than the limited pointer-tracking and simple motion controls we've had so far.

Does the new add-on deliver? See for yourself in this video that AiLive (the company who helped Nintendo develop the MotionPlus) posted earlier this week...



Looks good, though it's unfortunate that it's only now available as an add-on, rather than as part of the wiimote from the start. But at least it seems we'll finally be able to get the "laser sword" games that we all expected to see back when the Wii was announced.

on Jul 31, 2008
*Caption* After some consideration, the Committee decided that this would be the universal symbol for: "It tends to hang down, and to the left." *Caption*
on Jul 31, 2008

Hardware is one thing, but if developers aren't going to quit making outright shovel-ware for the Wii I doubt we'll see any real innovative use from it (apart from Nintendo of course).

on Jul 31, 2008

One game Starwars Lightsaber Duels nuff said.

on Jul 31, 2008

One game Starwars Lightsaber Duels nuff said.


Yeah, let me know when the sum total of games I give a damn about on this antiquated Gamecube breaks 10.

One or two or three games doesn't equal a console buy especially with the major hardware deficiencies that come with this one.


I would love to have a motion control swrod fighting game... on a console with a large hard drvie, current gen graphics capabilities, and a semi-logical online content and use scheme.


Nintendo might make a console like that by 2020. Maybe. But it will still look like something Playskool put out.