Opinion? What's that?
Hulls your way!
Published on February 27, 2006 By kryo In Modding

Ever want to use a Dreadlord Hull, or some other race's hull as your own, or even just a different hull than the size you picked allows? Now you can! KHSM adds a 'blank' hull of each size (simply a hardpoint and nothing else), and makes ALL ship hulls in the game into jewelry. So now you can have any hull design you like, add hulls upon hulls as jewelry, or even create a ship ENTIRELY out of jewelry with no hull at all!


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Comments (Page 22)
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on Dec 01, 2013

Kryo I apologize for making you work like this on a Sunday.  You were extremely patient and walked me through every step of my issue.  The issue was a unique circumstance, I pray that none of you have to go through that as well.  I think Kryo has a patch for the batch file to prevent this sort of thing from happening again!



on Dec 01, 2013

Apparently the working folder is unexpectedly changed to system32 when a batch file is run as admin on a non-admin account. I've pushed an update to the mod to force the working folder to the file location, rather than assuming it.

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