Opinion? What's that?
While the OTF here is the catch-all place for anything you want to discuss that's not games-related, we request that users refrain from starting overtly political and religious threads here, or others that are very likely to veer to such topics. Such threads more often than not degenerate into flamewars and do nothing to engender friendship and camaraderie among fellow players; in fact they often do the opposite and drive players away.

That is not to say that Stardock has anything against such discussions; this is just not the place for them. Users are welcomed to discuss matters of any kind over on the JoeUser.com Forums (which, being Stardock owned, will use the same login as here so you can just pop right on over and start posting if you like). You can even start your own blog there, be it political or based on another topic.

Thanks for cooperating and helping to keep things friendly here.

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on Jul 09, 2009

....................Welcome.................... to THe Beginning....................................... 

on Jul 10, 2009

This policy is out of date because this *is* Joe User.

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  • How can you tell people to "take it to Joe User" when they're already there?

    I suppose that you could say, take political discussion to the specifically defined political categories on Joe User that at the moment don't happen to be shared with most of the game sites (political machine excluded of course).

    You could also say, take religious discussion to the specifically defined religion category on Joe User that at the moment doesn't happen to be shared with any of the game sites.

    However there really is no specific place for inflammatory threads so why would this Off-topic forum that exists on Joe User be out of bounds?

    Of course I'm primarily playing devil's advocate here, but it does seem disingenuous to say "take it to Joe User" when you're already there.

    on Jul 10, 2009

    Ha ha... well they have been messing with forum code recently...

    but... the link in the first post still works... so... meh.

    on Jul 10, 2009

    However there really is no specific place for inflammatory threads so why would this Off-topic forum that exists on Joe User be out of bounds?

    JU has a *lot* of categories. Chances are whatever topic someone has come up with that's going to draw the sort of behavior we don't want on the games forums, it has a place on JU.

    Failing that, I'll just have to resort to telling people to get off my lawn

    on Jul 10, 2009

    [post-lock comment removed] (Newest feature)

    Yep, that's what happens when we reply for nothing -- has everything been somehow transfered to "JoeUser" ?

    Cuz, i went in only 16 minutes after the Lock, in the Games forum. And even more members could post after this!

    on Jul 11, 2009

    Locked means locked. If you were aware that the thread was supposed to be locked, then you shouldn't have bothered trying to get in the last word (*what* you posted is not relevant; the post was closed) after the fact. Bara will be plugging that loophole for the future.

    on Jul 11, 2009

    I didn't KNOW it was locked while i was typing, thinking, typoeing, evaluating, checking (getting my coffee cup out of the Microwave, answering the phone, etc )  my reply... it was relevant in that particular manner (call it, bad timing) -- but how should i guess if any other threads will get locked under these conditions?

    All i'm asking is IF such threads belong to JoeUser -- are they unsalvagable and, as a result, removed some peoples time & opinions expressed?

    on Jul 11, 2009

    but how should i guess if any other threads will get locked under these conditions?

    Once Bara rolls out the fix for the loophole, any attempts to post replies after it is locked will get rejected.

    on Jul 11, 2009

    I can give a perfect example of what these kind of threads can do to a community.

    Many years ago there was a lot of speculation about what was going to be done with Iraq. At that point WinCustomize was a small and friendly community - until the infamous Iraq thread. Suddenly community members were at each others throats. This started to spill over into other threads, a number of people developed bad attitudes and the site degenerated.

    Topics such as politics and religion should be kept to sites designed for that purpose. People have such opposing views that things never end well.


    on Jul 11, 2009

    Yeah, right, whatever - as i suspected... this was a bigger problem that only GunslingerBara or Kryo can handle. My first reaction was that a moderator has intervened in (yet again) another silly "situation" created by an OP and **NOT** made worst by anyone squeezing in supplemental comments -- grammatically correct, btw.

    Never been on JoeUser, myself -- but i paid them a quick visit after the strange [post-lock comment removed] auto-delete function only to realize the Lock didn't recuperate anything, anyhow for any reasons than being censored for having an opinion.



    on Jul 11, 2009

    JU has a *lot* of categories. Chances are whatever topic someone has come up with that's going to draw the sort of behavior we don't want on the games forums, it has a place on JU.
    My point was more that if certain types of behavior are acceptable on one site but not acceptable on another site then doesn't sharing forums between those sites defeat the purpose?

    If you're going to say such and such is not allowed here but is allowed there then doesn't it at least behoove you to publish *which* forums there are not shared here?

    Where is here anyway? Even the moderators have no idea where someone is posting from. Everyone thinks that here is the site that they frequent but it's not.

    I happen to know that /forum/412 exists on Joe User and GalCiv2 and many other places. However most people have no idea. What about the other 755 forums? Can someone tell me specifically which ones are *safe* and which ones are prohibited?

    My specific compliant is not about the locking of threads or deleted content. In my opinion not enough threads are locked or enough content deleted. My complaint is that what used to be the GalCiv2 site has essentially become the Off-topic/Impulse/Personal Computing site.

    on Jul 25, 2009

    ........attn: all your answers are loaded and ready to go......just start all paths at THe Beginning...

    on Aug 24, 2009

    My religious and political views are right. Why are the right? Because I BELIEVE them, and since I believe them and I'm right about everything because I'm me, it means if you disagree with me your wrong. If you disagree with me and I try to enlighten you and you still disagree with me it means you are an idiot. You are an idiot because I'm right and I know I'm right and my views and beliefs are right because I KNOW they are, and thus any intelligent person would naturally come to the same conclusion. Since you are an idiot I should naturally dismiss anything you might say or any points you may bring up as idiot-babble. Only an idiot would listen to an idiot.


    I dearly hope you're being satirical.

    on Aug 24, 2009

    I dearly hope you're being satirical.

    Probably not.

    Afterall.....this IS the Internet....

    on Aug 24, 2009

    wow, quoting and responding to a reply 3 months short of 2 yrs old...

    that's just so... so...





    oh wait.

    forgot, it's the internet.

    never mind.


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