Opinion? What's that?
While the OTF here is the catch-all place for anything you want to discuss that's not games-related, we request that users refrain from starting overtly political and religious threads here, or others that are very likely to veer to such topics. Such threads more often than not degenerate into flamewars and do nothing to engender friendship and camaraderie among fellow players; in fact they often do the opposite and drive players away.

That is not to say that Stardock has anything against such discussions; this is just not the place for them. Users are welcomed to discuss matters of any kind over on the JoeUser.com Forums (which, being Stardock owned, will use the same login as here so you can just pop right on over and start posting if you like). You can even start your own blog there, be it political or based on another topic.

Thanks for cooperating and helping to keep things friendly here.

Comments (Page 6)
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on Sep 06, 2009

thanks for making those points Mumblefratz....

99% of the time I use the Recent Forum Activity on the right of the page...which doesn't give the option to know where it originated...

very frustrating for all obviously....

on Sep 06, 2009

So...if we see a thread of no relevance to WC Community/Skinning/Computers and we decide to boycott it by not posting/relying...even more irrelevant threads will appear. There's logic for you, eh Fuzzy?

I begin to understand why so many folks I used to see here I no longer do.

on Sep 07, 2009

on Sep 07, 2009

99% of the time I use the Recent Forum Activity on the right of the page...which doesn't give the option to know where it originated...
Actually there is no way to know the site that any post or reply originates from. In fact I doubt the mods or even forum developers know.

I have repeatedly asked for this kind of information to be made available to no avail. I do think that knowing the site that a post or reply comes from would be very helpful. You could just ignore folks from a certain site if you want to. But even beyond that it provides some context as to what the person's interest's are to know what site they're from. Gamers are different folks than bloggers who are different from skinners.

Who knows, someone might be willing to cut someone else some slack instead of flaming them if it was clear that they somehow wandered into an unfamiliar area. If so that would tend to improve civility in these highly cross posted forums.

But I know, it is as it is. 

on Sep 07, 2009

OTF Political, Religious, and Inflammatory Threads

AFAIC, this forum is still for GC2 game owners.

If i wanna get on Win_Customize, Joe_User, SosE, Elemental (or any OTHER forums supplied by SD)... i'll simply logon to these and type away.

You want a sense of community, troll around -- you may find some intelligent users if you're lucky. But don't come here, insulting me personnally or using smart remarks - cuz, you'll get exactly what you seek for.

The problem with attitude & flaming is not because of threads or subject matter, it's that ONE simple person can wreck a perfectly civilized conversation between members by behaving badly or unconstructively.

I ignored some often enough already. But when hypocrits, PM's moderators to attack my good reputation or to spread filty comments... it means war.

Excuse me while i go now to much more important issues such as THIS.


on Sep 07, 2009

WOW! Someone is listening. This morning the 'Off Topic' section is gone from WinCustomize

Gamers are different folks than bloggers who are different from skinners.

Absolutely true. Keeping them seperate would benefit everyone.

on Sep 07, 2009

good ridence!!

on Sep 26, 2009

I would like to say this though:

If needing an example of Intelligent Design, I think Sins of a Solar Empire qualifies.


on Nov 01, 2009

I would like fore Religious tolerance and Religious warfare to be key and/or optional components of the game. Is this considered inflammatory?

on Dec 24, 2009

I think Global Warming is a political topic.   Personally I have no opinion about Stardock wanting to keep inflammatory/political/religious threads off the board--that's just what they want.   But if that's the case, Global Warming debate really doesn't belong here.

on Dec 25, 2009

I think Global Warming is a political topic.
It is.

But if that's the case, Global Warming debate really doesn't belong here.
Where do you think "here" is?

Mostly there is no "here" anymore at least if you're talking about the GalCiv2 site. Same pretty much with many of SD's other sites. Most are merely shells of former greatness. Take away the Off-topic forum and there would be nothing left except perhaps the Impulse and Personal Computing forums.

I used to make the same argument you're making now but with the decline of the GalCiv2 site it's pretty much this or nothing.


on Dec 30, 2009

Edit: Snarky comment removed.

on Dec 30, 2009

Uncanny, don't you think?  How one's first thought is often the best.

on Jan 01, 2010


I think Global Warming is a political topic.


It is.


No more than the antropic principle, the uncertainty principle, or theories about the extinction of the dinosaurs.  It can, and probably should be discussed in a scientific matter.

on Jan 03, 2010

Elemental should really have an *Extra* modular race of Nazi Zombies, and its default Sovereign should be the Undead and magical Von Lichtenhammer. (or some other appropriate name)

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