Opinion? What's that?
While the OTF here is the catch-all place for anything you want to discuss that's not games-related, we request that users refrain from starting overtly political and religious threads here, or others that are very likely to veer to such topics. Such threads more often than not degenerate into flamewars and do nothing to engender friendship and camaraderie among fellow players; in fact they often do the opposite and drive players away.

That is not to say that Stardock has anything against such discussions; this is just not the place for them. Users are welcomed to discuss matters of any kind over on the JoeUser.com Forums (which, being Stardock owned, will use the same login as here so you can just pop right on over and start posting if you like). You can even start your own blog there, be it political or based on another topic.

Thanks for cooperating and helping to keep things friendly here.

Comments (Page 7)
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on Mar 15, 2010

I just would like to know what's the connection between JoeUser.com and Impulse. I was surprised when I browsed that site, after frogboy's recommendation when he abruptly locked the topic on the bankrupt USA health system.  It's not a complain about joeuser, I'll be going there more often, since im more interested in politics and hearsay than the games placed here, island dog's look at yet another version of blindstudio or brad's drivel about DRM.

on Mar 15, 2010

I just would like to know what's the connection between JoeUser.com and Impulse. I was surprised when I browsed that site, after frogboy's recommendation when he abruptly locked the topic on the bankrupt USA health system. It's not a complain about joeuser, I'll be going there more often, since im more interested in politics and hearsay than the games placed here, island dog's look at yet another version of blindstudio or brad's drivel about DRM.

Certain forums cross-post between all the Stardock sites. So at any one point you may be talking to a blogger, a gamer or a customizer. We all try to get along in harmony, after all, we are all her for one purpose - to enjoy our chosen hobby.

For example you are a blogger, not a gamer or customizer. I'm a gamer and customizer, not a blogger. As long as people from seemingly disparate sites respect each other, we get along just fine

on Mar 15, 2010

I just would like to know what's the connection between JoeUser.com and Impulse
Both are one of at least 12 different Stardock owned i.e. Brad owned forum sites.

The connection is in which forums and sub-forums of which at last count there were at least 715 different forums are visible from which different sites. Many forums are shared across multiple sites in particular the Off-topic forum which is almost universal except for having been removed from the WC site.

As far as Joe User it's a fine site as long as your politics are to the right of Ann Coulter if so then you'll get along just fine. If not you can still get along as long as you are a masochist and enjoy being abused. In this case you will find no shortage of what you're looking for. However if you're at all liberal and unwilling to be a doormat then you'll find yourself very unwelcome very quickly. However don't just take my word for it, go there and make up your own mind.

on Mar 15, 2010

I'm a gamer and customizer, not a blogger. As long as people from seemingly disparate sites respect each other, we get along just fine

I always thought you were a Vulcan?

on Mar 15, 2010

I always thought you were a Vulcan?

Do you think Vulcans are not allowed to be gamers or customizers? Such an assumption is not logical.

on Mar 15, 2010

I was surprised when I browsed that site, after frogboy's recommendation when he abruptly locked the topic on the bankrupt USA health system.
I noticed the abrupt topic lock as well..... it's been a year and a half give or take since I came to the forums, and I've begun to notice that certain forms of craziness get a lock with increadible alacrity while others fester for weeks and eventually die off due to lack of interest. The health-care thing springs to mind, but there seem to be a fair number of open anti-global-warming threads and I recall an incident where some militarist threatened to shoot me (I'm still not sure if (s??)he was serious or just making an increadibly stupid joke) for "not supporting the troops" and was allowed to flame for a couple pages while a thread containing nerds debating, as we often will, a hypothetical military square-off between the US and the UK was locked within a day or so.

on Mar 15, 2010

Fuzzy Logic

I always thought you were a Vulcan?
Do you think Vulcans are not allowed to be gamers or customizers? Such an assumption is not logical.

Somehow, I knew your answer would be logical.

on Mar 16, 2010

There's an amusing thing. The OP of the locked thread tried it again with another subject. I made the first post, pointing out he'd been asked not to do this. My post was deleted, however, the thread has since been locked.

If the site owner tells you not to do something and you ignore, sooner or later the old will fall

on Mar 16, 2010

The OP of the locked thread tried it again with another subject.

The members of the other areas of stardock can log into Joeuser with their credentials, correct (I am not sure)?  if so, the solution is just to pop over to JU, open the subject and go to town.  They all appear in the forums.

on Mar 16, 2010

Well, it's Stardocks forum.

And if they wish it to be an Island-Dog-approved fascismland then it's their right.


on Mar 16, 2010

Well, it's Stardocks forum.

And if they wish it to be an Island-Dog-approved fascismland then it's their right.

Oh dear...

on Mar 16, 2010

Well, it's Stardocks forum.

And if they wish it to be an Island-Dog-approved fascismland then it's their right.


My name is Ann Coulter, and I approve this message.

on Mar 16, 2010


I just would like to know what's the connection between JoeUser.com and ImpulseBoth are one of at least 12 different Stardock owned i.e. Brad owned forum sites.

The connection is in which forums and sub-forums of which at last count there were at least 715 different forums are visible from which different sites. Many forums are shared across multiple sites in particular the Off-topic forum which is almost universal except for having been removed from the WC site.

As far as Joe User it's a fine site as long as your politics are to the right of Ann Coulter if so then you'll get along just fine. If not you can still get along as long as you are a masochist and enjoy being abused. In this case you will find no shortage of what you're looking for. However if you're at all liberal and unwilling to be a doormat then you'll find yourself very unwelcome very quickly. However don't just take my word for it, go there and make up your own mind.

 Hmm.   Well, good to know. So joeuser is where all those tea party nutjobs chill.  Next time I go I'll check around if there are any minute men too, ill tell them hi.  Actually, i like to ruffle the feathers of the neo-con "bush is our leader" "market rules all" "mission accomplished" brainwashed crowd. Hehehe, Ann Coulter.  I still cannot figure out whether it's a brother or a sister.  The far right's very own Janet Reno.


on Mar 16, 2010


I was surprised when I browsed that site, after frogboy's recommendation when he abruptly locked the topic on the bankrupt USA health system. I noticed the abrupt topic lock as well..... it's been a year and a half give or take since I came to the forums, and I've begun to notice that certain forms of craziness get a lock with increadible alacrity while others fester for weeks and eventually die off due to lack of interest. The health-care thing springs to mind, but there seem to be a fair number of open anti-global-warming threads and I recall an incident where some militarist threatened to shoot me (I'm still not sure if (s??)he was serious or just making an increadibly stupid joke) for "not supporting the troops" and was allowed to flame for a couple pages while a thread containing nerds debating, as we often will, a hypothetical military square-off between the US and the UK was locked within a day or so.

Seems then that if the the craziness is not blowing in the "right" direction then it gets the boot.  BTW, yea, if you dont support the troops, you are a traitor and you deserve to be shot on sight.  There, now I'm speaking in the "proper" way, right?

on Mar 16, 2010

Fuzzy Logic

I just would like to know what's the connection between JoeUser.com and Impulse. I was surprised when I browsed that site, after frogboy's recommendation when he abruptly locked the topic on the bankrupt USA health system. It's not a complain about joeuser, I'll be going there more often, since im more interested in politics and hearsay than the games placed here, island dog's look at yet another version of blindstudio or brad's drivel about DRM.

Certain forums cross-post between all the Stardock sites. So at any one point you may be talking to a blogger, a gamer or a customizer. We all try to get along in harmony, after all, we are all her for one purpose - to enjoy our chosen hobby.

For example you are a blogger, not a gamer or customizer. I'm a gamer and customizer, not a blogger. As long as people from seemingly disparate sites respect each other, we get along just fine

"Let's come together, right now, all day, in sweet harmony."

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