Opinion? What's that?
Hulls your way!
Published on February 27, 2006 By kryo In Modding

Ever want to use a Dreadlord Hull, or some other race's hull as your own, or even just a different hull than the size you picked allows? Now you can! KHSM adds a 'blank' hull of each size (simply a hardpoint and nothing else), and makes ALL ship hulls in the game into jewelry. So now you can have any hull design you like, add hulls upon hulls as jewelry, or even create a ship ENTIRELY out of jewelry with no hull at all!


Now updated and improved for Dark Avatar!
Get the latest version here!

Comments (Page 7)
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on May 29, 2006
weapons and engines are already out the as eye candy.

Non-functioning Engine Parts by Kaesar, is here. but not upgraded for the mods folder in 1.2.


Weapons Mod by me, is here.

my download is not upgraded for the mods folder (it will be reposted soon), but i have made both usable in the mods folder on my system and do use both when i build ships.

i didn't bother doing the defenses as i don't really use much defenses. i bring the fight to them
on May 29, 2006
the defenses mostly just look like plates anyway, nothing special really. So is the weapons mod compatible with Kryo's hull mod? I can't find out for myself atm because I just have the demo right now. I could certainly use the weapons mod along with the Kryo's mod.
on May 29, 2006
yes, the weapons and engines mods are both compatible with Kryo's mod. it's cause of his mod i made the weapons mod. i did try the engines myself but had a few issues, so i never really played with it that much after. then i saw that someone else made it and life was better.

and i suggest loosing the demo and buying the full game... well worth it imo. i've been a hardcore gamer for years and i have never, ever seen support like Stardock gives to their customers.

and no, i'm not kissing ass... i'm telling it the way it is.
on May 30, 2006
I am going to lose the demo soon I'm getting it for my B-Day this friday or over the weekend
on May 31, 2006
deleted because redundant post
on Jun 01, 2006
Sad news: according to Cari the metaverse cheat detection code has been revised, so the mod can no longer be used in metaverse games without getting a cheat flag.
on Jun 01, 2006
on Jun 01, 2006
DK could we not just add the mod into the mods folder, create the ships and then they 'should' be there for a MV game as it ignores the mods folder so no flag?
on Jun 01, 2006
quick question: i installed it and it works....sorta. i have v 1.11 and i can put blank hulls and stuff but in the readme it says that u should be able to put other race hulls and the dread lord hulls as well. well i look everye where in the extras and theirs no hulls, just the jewlery

what the heck?
on Jun 01, 2006
You probably didn't run the batch file that is included in the ZIP. Follow the readme's directions and all should be well.
on Jun 01, 2006

The "Latest Version" link has been updated with a new more featureful edition of the mod. There are now more jewelry pieces to help you get hardpoints where you need them without having to resort to hiding assorted objects inside your ships just so you can position visible ones properly.

All of these pieces are scalable and rotatable, though you'll need to select them in the part list at the top of the viewport since there's no model to click on!

Included are a single offset which simply replaces a hardpoint with one floating a ways away; you can use the scale and rotate controls to put that new hardpoint pretty much anywhere you like! There is also a dual offset, which places two floating hardpoints on opposite sides of the hardpoint you place them on. And lastly, there are variants ranging from 3 to 8 hardpoints, each adding X number of hardpoints in a regular polygon pattern.

If anyone has any other requests for floating hardpoint prefabs, let me know and I'll see about adding them in the next version.
on Jun 01, 2006
no, i ran the file, it will show blank hulls just not from ne other races
on Jun 01, 2006
Included are a single offset which simply replaces a hardpoint with one floating a ways away; you can use the scale and rotate controls to put that new hardpoint pretty much anywhere you like! There is also a dual offset, which places two floating hardpoints on opposite sides of the hardpoint you place them on. And lastly, there are variants ranging from 3 to 8 hardpoints, each adding X number of hardpoints in a regular polygon pattern.

Thank you! That was quick!
on Jun 01, 2006
on Jun 01, 2006
ps: sorry K-R-Y-O, i'm a little dyslexic, and there's a ship up the street called "Kyro's".
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